Adjustable Positive Pulse (from 50-400V)
Proportional Positive Puls
hiPlus-Technology for HiPIMS thin-film depositioning,
a step into the right direction.
No question, HiPIMS is state of art magnetron sputtering, especially when it comes down to demanding coatings and high quality films. But still, the main restriction for HiPIMS is the low deposition rate. To overcome this, several attempts have been made, more or less successful.
A new approach is adding an active reverse voltage pulse at the end of each HiPIMS impulse. This has been observed by independently operating groups. The most promising and cost effective pulse technology to boost up the HiPIMS performance is the hiPlus technology, implemented in the hiP-V HiPIMS power supplies. Applying the “just right pulse” the hiPlus technology has shown obvious advantages. It does not only increase deposition rates, it also shows significant improvements in film hardness and film structures.
Technical literature, articles and papers will be released in short. For more details please contact us.
High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering
High Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering
The new HiPIMS-PS Technology, created as a co-production by an experienced team of scientists, researchers, technologists, metallurgists, process engineers and last but not least, a highly skilled power supply manufacturer.
>>>Optimized for R&D<<<
The highly flexible HiPIMS PS:
True ALL in ONE HiPIMS-PS for many applications
The All in One hiP-V HiPIMS-PS:
minimize hardware - maximize technology
Also available: The HiPIMS power pack. The modular HiPIMS- PS systems!
<< HiPIMS-Stromversorgungen bis 80KW >>
<< höhere Leistungen, kundenspezifische Lösungen auf Anfrage>>
Die hiP-V Produktlinie wird ausschließlich aus Komponenten gefertigt, die bereits für die Aeronautikindustrie und den öffentlichen Schienenverkehr qualifiziert sind und dort auch zum Einsatz kommen. Diese Bauteile entsprechen den höchsten Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsanforderungen für Flugzeuge, Züge und Bahnen zur Personenbeförderung im Flug und Schienenverkehr. Somit können wir unseren hiP-V Kunden ein Maximum an Qualität und Standfestigkeit im Dauerbetrieb gewährleisten.
hiP-V Made by VIESCA
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